Learn Content Strategy 101 at Wix Lounge

Hi! Just a quick note to say I’ll be speaking on Content Strategy 101 — how to develop and communicate your brand — at Wix Lounge in Chelsea, January 23, 2103 at 6:30pm. Also speaking will be the supremely cool Hannah Brencher and Amanda McCormick.

Your Dog is a Marketing Genius!

My dog, the marketing genius

Sure, you can get an MBA, you can read Seth Godin religiously, you can webinar it up til the cows come home, but have you ever considered studying the marketing genius that lives under your very own roof?

I’m talking about your dog.

If you don’t have one, let me introduce you to one . . . → Read More: Your Dog is a Marketing Genius!

I Didn’t Want to Give Up, SO I Gave Up: How I Found My Husband

Two Middle-Aged Sweethearts

I didn’t think I’d ever be married, and I doubt anyone else did either.

First, I am what people generously term,  “a character.”  (I don’t think I am, but maybe that’s the point.) Also, when you’re pushing fifty, live with 2 dogs and 4 parrots, your chances at finding Mr. Right,  Mr. Asperger’s, or . . . → Read More: I Didn’t Want to Give Up, SO I Gave Up: How I Found My Husband

Bitchin' Kitchen

our kitchen

My kitchen may not get much foot traffic, but maybe it’ll get more on the Web.

our kitchen

Some people want to be on the cover of TIME magazine, or in Playboy, or in the New York Times. Dixie Laite, she is pleased as punch to be in Apartment Therapy – not . . . → Read More: Our Bitchin’ Kitchen

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